Stones Throw Records recently dropped Stones Throw: Ten Years to celebrate a decade of quality music.
Brother Ali's album has been pushed back and is now set to drop April 10th. I recently got my hands on an advance copy so be on the lookout for our first Long Crisp White Album Review. El-P's I'll Sleep When Your Dead is set for March 20th and Jesus Price Superstar from the artist formerly known as Ruck should be landing January 30th. Everything I've heard off that has been tight and you should expect more of the same from "the brokest rapper alive."
Speaking of Sean P, he's reportedly working on a new album featuring Stones Throw's Guilty Simpson.
Not to be outdone, Q-Tip is set to drop two albums in '07
The Paid Dues Festival in San Bernadino, CA has confirmed some more acts, including Lif.
If you've been watching (ego trip's) White Rapper Show, LCWT's is clearly rooting for Bostonite Sullee. Anyway, here's an interview with the first rapper off the show, Dasit.
If you've been in a box and missed the incarceration of DJ Drama and the RIAA holy war against the mixtape, here's a nice summary courtesy of the New York Times.
A gay rapper calls out 50, among others.

Good to see Mos Def getting some props for his acting - he's been asked to be a juror at Sundance. After listening to True Magic, though, I have to wonder if he's ever gonna get back to rapping.
This one isn't hip-hop related, but you gotta love the balls on Hugo Chavez.
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