"...I'm Nestle when it's crunch-time..."
I know, I know, it's been a minute since we updated. We had a station-mandated one-week suspension due to malt liquor shenanigans and then the WMFO studios weren't broadcasting correctly last week. Anyway, fuck it, take your damn Old School Banger and enjoy it.
In honor of Common releasing his new album Finding Forever this week I thought I'd take you back to '94-style Comm Sense with his classic track "Resurrection" off the album of the same name. I enjoyed his new album, but in my not-so-humble opinion Resurrection was Common at his finest. Also, he may look like he just stepped out the pages GQ Magazine nowadays, but back in the day he kept it classic and gully with the black hoodies and skull caps. I bet you '94 Common Sense could beat the shit out of '07 Common....
Common - "Resurrection"